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We are Plantone and we believe in planting one and growing lives.


We are two individuals with a passion for creativity and awareness - Growing plants and making plant related products makes us happy. We believe one can create a greener environment by just keeping a plant at their home or office and inspiring others to do so.


Affection for nature was in our genes. Our father's fascination for gardening, nature is what built our base. And the way he showed us the world through all the nature treks when we were barely 4 or 5 years old opened a plethora of beauty in front of us. Exploring places and nature then became our hobby, little did we know back then, that the dots will connect and we will be in the direction of pursuing our love in this manner. 

Plantone came like a miracle to us. They say when you don't go looking for it, what's meant for you comes to you, much like the same way. When the idea happened to us, one of us was on the path of learning landscape architecture and another was on the path of educating the needy. But somehow we kept watering our little idea. And now we are here telling you guys our story. We are moving forward with the vision of bringing change in our own living ways by adopting plants and making them a part of our lives. Trust us, nothing can replace the warmth of a plant. We "deal" with products that are sustainable, products that give your plant the required nourishment and make you a proud plant parent.

Happy shopping with us.



MBA/Teach for India Fellow/School leader


M.Arch Landscape/ B.arch Architerture

Her journey with plants started with her experience in the social sector and education. Working with children she realized if each one of us adopts even one plant, it would create a huge difference for the generations to come. With that vision, she along with his brother they took the first step to start Plantone.

His interest in the plant was there since childhood, but an idea to work on it started while studying his Landscape Architecture. The beauty that these plants create in the environment encouraged him to study them more. With his experience and creativity, he created products that would bring greener aesthetics to urban living.

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